AbilTo helps individuals in your organization to manage life transitions and enjoy improved mental and physical health. AbilTo uses secure web conferencing with licensed mental health professionals and professional coaches as well as CBT programs for topical areas.
Programs by AbilTo are delivered via video-chat, utilizing a client team comprised of a therapist and coach. For each AbilTo program, the therapist and coach individually meet the client once a week for a fixed duration. An advising consultant supervises each client team for quality assurance purposes.
AbilTo programs are based on a scientifically validated approach called cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT); it focuses on helping you to change unwanted behavior quickly and effectively. CBT addresses your current symptoms and not necessarily explore the historical origins of your issues. To utilize such scientifically proven techniques, AbilTo programs are standardized and conducted in a manualized setting. As a provider, it is important to follow the manual as closely as possible to ensure the client’s progress. Program manuals have been created for each of our program offerings.
Programs are simple to use; outcomes easy to measure.
Additional Information
AbilTo helps individuals in your organization to manage life transitions and enjoy improved mental and physical health. AbilTo uses secure web conferencing with licensed mental health professionals and professional coaches as well as CBT programs for topical areas.Programs by AbilTo are delivered via video-chat, utilizing a client team comprised of a therapist and coach. For each AbilTo program, the therapist and coach individually meet the client once a week for a fixed duration. An advising consultant supervises each client team for quality assurance purposes.AbilTo programs are based on a scientifically validated approach called cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT); it focuses on helping you to change unwanted behavior quickly and effectively. CBT addresses your current symptoms and not necessarily explore the historical origins of your issues. To utilize such scientifically proven techniques, AbilTo programs are standardized and conducted in a manualized setting. As a provider, it is important to follow the manual as closely as possible to ensure the client’s progress. Program manuals have been created for each of our program offerings.Programs are simple to use; outcomes easy to measure.Behavioral Health Innovation is reliant upon public information and the feedback from the companies represented regarding these telemental health counseling products/services and cannot make any warranty regarding this information. This information has been compiled for educational purposes and attempts are made regularly to verify the accuracy of the information. Individuals are encouraged to verify the information represented prior to making a purchasing decision.
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