
Telemental Health Comparisons: Cisco Unified MeetingPlace Skip to content

Cisco Unified MeetingPlace

Increase productivity, accelerate processes, and help reduce travel and costs with Cisco Unified MeetingPlace. This solution integrates audio, video, and web conferencing capabilities to give remote meetings a natural and effective in-person quality.

As an integral component of the Cisco Unified Communications solution, Cisco Unified MeetingPlace lets you incorporate multiparty discussions and application sharing into a broad range of communication scenarios. Cisco Unified MeetingPlace is also integrated with Cisco WebEx Web conferencing and the WebEx Node for MCS. This way, you combine the cost-savings advantages of on-premises audio conferencing with the productivity benefits of Cisco WebEx.

Collaborate, Train, Present

Cisco Unified MeetingPlace is deployed on premises, over internal networks, so that:

  • Conferencing traffic runs over your organization’s IP networks to reduce toll charges and recurring conferencing fees
  • You can isolate confidential meetings behind the firewall to enhance security, while also having the flexibility to set up Internet-accessible meetings with external parties

Intuitive interfaces make setting up, attending, and managing meetings simple. Cisco Unified MeetingPlace capabilities are tailored to support multiple business processes, including highly collaborative meetings, training sessions, and presentations.

Additional Information

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Behavioral Health Innovation is reliant upon public information and the feedback from the companies represented regarding these telemental health counseling products/services and cannot make any warranty regarding this information. This information has been compiled for educational purposes and attempts are made regularly to verify the accuracy of the information. Individuals are encouraged to verify the information represented prior to making a purchasing decision.

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