E Mental Health Center
E Mental Health Center serves primarily as a place where you can find an online mental health expert to help you with your troubles. Here, you will be able to:
- Speak with and see your online therapist on your computer monitor
- Chat with your therapist by typing on a keyboard without the therapist seeing you or you her
- Chat with and have your therapist see you and you her via a camera without speaking
- Communicate via email with your therapist
- Talk on the phone with your therapist
As you can see, there are many ways you can communicate with your online mental health specialist depending on your needs. Whether you feel more comfortable communicating by typing, talking, or seeing your therapist face to face, E Mental Health Center has a way for you to be provided top-quality mental health services online by Licensed Clinical Psychologists, Licensed Clinical Social Workers, Licensed Mental Health Counselors, or Licensed Marriage and Family Therapists.
Additional Information
Telemental health and telepsychiatry are quickly changing fields with constant improvements to technology, encryption, security, HIPAA and HITECH compliance, reimbursements, research, state and federal laws, education and online practice guidelines. These updates will change rapidly, so bookmark or link to this page to check in from time to time to see what has improved. You can also sign up in the contact form to receive a monthly update.If you need assistance choosing a system, setting up an online therapy network, obtaining referrals for online services, improving provider adoption, or avoiding common telemental health start-up mistakes, contact Behavioral Health Innovation. www.BehavioralHealthInnovation.com.
Behavioral Health Innovation is reliant upon public information and the feedback from the companies represented regarding these telemental health counseling products/services and cannot make any warranty regarding this information. This information has been compiled for educational purposes and attempts are made regularly to verify the accuracy of the information. Individuals are encouraged to verify the information represented prior to making a purchasing decision.
Copyright ©2025 Telemental Health Comparisons
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Thank you for bringing that to our attention. We are waiting for E Mental Health Center to complete their updates to relaunch their website. Please click on the contact link in order to contact them directly on the landing page.