
Telemental Health Comparisons: JSA Health Telepsychiatry Skip to content

JSA Health Telepsychiatry

JSA Health Telepsychiatry brings skilled mental health professionals – who are becoming increasingly scarce – into your facility on demand: 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. With one phone call or email, our psychiatrists and advanced nurse practitioners are available to your point of service within minutes.

JSA Health’s service span both geographic and budgetary boundaries. JSA Health’s psychiatric professionals expedite assessment, diagnosis, treatment, and disposition of patients in settings where it might otherwise be difficult and time-consuming to get appropriate services. These settings include emergency departments, rural health clinics, schools and universities, as well as correctional facilities including prisons and juvenile justice treatment centers. Your patients can be seen as soon as they need it and receive exactly the help they need.

JSA Health Telepsychiatry brings psychiatric services to places and patients previously unservable. We span both geographic and budgetary boundaries. Contracting with JSA Health Telepsychiatry can cost a fraction of hiring on-site staff. You pay for services only as you use them.

Additional Information

Telemental health and telepsychiatry are quickly changing fields with constant improvements to technology, encryption, security, HIPAA and HITECH compliance, reimbursements, research, state and federal laws, education and online practice guidelines. These updates will change rapidly, so bookmark or link to this page to check in from time to time to see what has improved. You can also sign up in the contact form to receive a monthly update.
If you need assistance choosing a system, setting up an online therapy network, obtaining referrals for online services, improving provider adoption, or avoiding common telemental health start-up mistakes, contact Behavioral Health Innovation.

Behavioral Health Innovation is reliant upon public information and the feedback from the companies represented regarding these telemental health counseling products/services and cannot make any warranty regarding this information. This information has been compiled for educational purposes and attempts are made regularly to verify the accuracy of the information. Individuals are encouraged to verify the information represented prior to making a purchasing decision.

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